Wie einen Parallelruf auf dem Mobiltelefon einrichten?

Hallo zusammen,

ich versuche mich seit einigen Tagen an der Telefonanlage MobyDick. Immerhin habe ich es schon erfolgreich geschafft meine Fritz!Box mit 4 MSNs als Amt einzubinden. Eingehende und ausgehende Rufe funktionieren wie gewünscht.
Jeder MSN habe ich im Amt einen Account zugewiesen und die Regeln für die eingehenden und ausgehenden Rufe entsprechend angelegt.

Jetzt steh ich aber vor dem Problem, dass ich gerne für eine MSN einen Parallelruf auf dem Handy einrichten möchte (also wenn mich jemand auf der MSN 08154711 anruft, soll auch mein Handy klingeln und vorzugsweise soll auf dem Display die Nummer des Anrufers stehen)
Wie muss ich da vor gehen? Bei der Einrichtung des Mobilehubs bin ich kläglich gescheitert.

Kann mich da mal jemand auf die richtige Spur bringen?


Guten Morgen Christian,

dein Handy kannst du zum Beispiel in der Geräteliste als Via Amt: Beliebiges externes Telefon integrieren, falls du keine MobilHub-Features nutzen möchtest.
Du hinterlegst beim externen Telefon einfach deine Handynummer und weist es einem Benutzer zu.

Einem Benutzer kannst du somit mehrere Telefone zuweisen, Handy und Festtelefon. Es werden dann standardmäßig beide Geräte parallel gerufen, wenn die Durchwahl des Benutzers gerufen wird. Zu beachten ist, dass du die Zeit für deine Sprachbox beim Handy hoch setzt bzw. ganz ausschaltest, sonst kann es sein, dass nach einer bestimmten Zeit deine Sprachbox des Mobil-Gerätes vom Provider den Anruf automatisch beantwortet.


Guten Morgen Markus,

erst mal vielen Dank für die Antwort aber irgendwie steh ich auf dem Schlauch. Ich habe jetzt per Via Amt: Beliebiges externes Telefon mein Mobiltelefon eingerichtet und meinem Benutzer zugewiesen. Aber es passiert nix. Dabei ist es auch egal wie ich die Nummer für das Mobiltelefon angebe, ob im internationalen oder nationalen Format oder auch ohne führende Null


dann poste doch bitte mal den Auszug aus der CLI des asterisk, damit ich den call flow nachvollziehen kann.
Telefonie anwenden nicht vergessen?!


Hallo Markus,

Hier ist der Auszug aus der CLI, wobei ich die Rufnummern geändert habe 01731231231 ist die Nummer von der aus angerufen wird und 01721234567 ist die Nummer des Mobiltelefons.

  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [621@mdc_incoming-7:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "MDC_CALLER_NUM_TRUNK=01731231231") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_incoming-7:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "MDC_CALLEE_NUM_TRUNK=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_incoming-7:3] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "mdc_trunk-1,s,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_trunk-1,s,1)
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,callee number: 621 caller number: 01731231231") in new stack
 callee number: 621 caller number: 01731231231
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:2] GosubIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?sub_internat,s,1(CALLERID(num),01731231231,00)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:3] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "sub_nat2int,s,1(MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT,01731231231,00,49,0,5231)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 01731231231 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231") in new stack
 sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 01731231231 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231
    -- Executing [s@sub_nat2int:2] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?s-int,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_nat2int:3] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?s-int,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_nat2int:4] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?s-intshort,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_nat2int:5] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?s-natshort,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_nat2int:6] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1?s-nat,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (sub_nat2int,s-nat,1)
    -- Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,national") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT=00491731231231") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:3] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:4] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "CALLERID(num)=00491731231231") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:5] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "sub_int2nat,s,1(MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT,00491731231231,00,49,0,5231)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_int2nat:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT - exten: 00491731231231 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231") in new stack
 sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT - exten: 00491731231231 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231
    -- Executing [s@sub_int2nat:2] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?nat") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_int2nat:3] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1?s-internat,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (sub_int2nat,s-internat,1)
    -- Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT=01731231231") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:2] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:6] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "CALLERID(num)=01731231231") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:7] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "MDC_NUMPREFIX_TRUNK=") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@mdc_trunk-1:8] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "mdc_mapping-1,621,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_mapping-1,621,1)
    -- Executing [621@mdc_mapping-1:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "CHANNEL(language)=de") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_mapping-1:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "CALLERID(num)=3048211") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_mapping-1:3] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,mapping from 621 to 621") in new stack
 mapping from 621 to 621
    -- Executing [621@mdc_mapping-1:4] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "mdc_external,621,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_external,621,1)
    -- Executing [621@mdc_external:1] SIPAddHeader("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", ""Alert-Info:<http://www.notused.de>;info=alert-external;x-line-id=0"") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_external:2] GosubIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1?sub_initcall,s,1(ext,621)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_initcall:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,sub_initcall descent: ext exten: 621") in new stack
 sub_initcall descent: ext exten: 621
    -- Executing [s@sub_initcall:2] GosubIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1?sub_initloop,s,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_initloop:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,initial loop") in new stack
 initial loop
    -- Executing [s@sub_initloop:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "MDC_ALIAS_HOP=0") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_initloop:3] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_initcall:3] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALDESCENT=ext") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_initcall:4] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "ext,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (sub_initcall,ext,1)
    -- Executing [ext@sub_initcall:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALCALLERNUMINIT=01731231231") in new stack
    -- Executing [ext@sub_initcall:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALCALLEENUMINIT=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [ext@sub_initcall:3] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_external:3] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "main,621,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (main,621,1)
    -- Executing [621@main:1] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "sub_defcall,s,1(621)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_ALIAS_HOP=1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALCALLEENUM=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:3] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALCALLERNUM=3048211") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:4] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALCHANNELNAME=mdc_trunk_conf-7") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:5] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1?nozap") in new stack
    -- Goto (sub_defcall,s,8)
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:8] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_DIALCALLERNAME=") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_defcall:9] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@main:2] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "mdc_distribute,621,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_distribute,621,1)
    -- Executing [621@mdc_distribute:1] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "sub_user,s,1(callee,1,christian,Christian Richter,621,621)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_user:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,sub_user mode callee") in new stack
 sub_user mode callee
    -- Executing [s@sub_user:2] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "s-callee,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (sub_user,s-callee,1)
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,sub_user user id: 1 - user: christian - realname: Christian Richter - own mailbox: 621 - watched mailbox: 621") in new stack
 sub_user user id: 1 - user: christian - realname: Christian Richter - own mailbox: 621 - watched mailbox: 621
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "_MDC_CALLEE_USER_ID=1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:3] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "_MDC_CALLEE_ACC_NAME=christian") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:4] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "_MDC_CALLEE_ACC_REALNAME=Christian Richter") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:5] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "_MDC_CALLEE_VM_OWN=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:6] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "_MDC_CALLEE_VM_WATCHED=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [s-callee@sub_user:7] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_distribute:2] Goto("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "mdc_ident-1,621,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_ident-1,621,1)
    -- Executing [621@mdc_ident-1:1] NoOp("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "alias-check:: call forwarding from 621 - 0") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_ident-1:2] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?621-uml,1:621-dial,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_ident-1,621-dial,1)
    -- Executing [621-dial@mdc_ident-1:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__MDC_EXTEN=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [621-dial@mdc_ident-1:2] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "sub_prefix-621,ext,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [ext@sub_prefix-621:1] Verbose("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "1,no action") in new stack
 no action
    -- Executing [ext@sub_prefix-621:2] Return("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [621-dial@mdc_ident-1:3] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?621-unavail,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [621-dial@mdc_ident-1:4] GotoIf("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "0?621-busy,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [621-dial@mdc_ident-1:5] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "sub_main-621,ext,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [ext@sub_main-621:1] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__PICKUPMARK=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [ext@sub_main-621:2] Set("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "__SPYGROUP=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [ext@sub_main-621:3] Dial("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "Local/621@mdc_diallocation") in new stack
    -- Called Local/621@mdc_diallocation
    -- Executing [621@mdc_diallocation:1] Verbose("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "1,dial to 621 for user 1") in new stack
 dial to 621 for user 1
    -- Executing [621@mdc_diallocation:2] Set("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "MDC_EXTEN=621") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_diallocation:3] Gosub("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "sub_split-user,s,1(1)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:1] Verbose("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "1,get locations for for: 1") in new stack
 get locations for for: 1
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:2] GotoIf("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "0?s-zero,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:3] Set("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "TMP_LOCATIONS=1;0") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:4] Set("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "TMP_STATIC_ID=1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:5] Verbose("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "1,static id: 1") in new stack
 static id: 1
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:6] Set("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "TMP_DYN_ID=0") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:7] Verbose("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "1,dynamic id: 0") in new stack
 dynamic id: 0
    -- Executing [s@sub_split-user:8] Return("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_diallocation:4] GotoIf("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "0?invalid,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_diallocation:5] GotoIf("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "0?dynamic,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [621@mdc_diallocation:6] GotoIf("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "1?static,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (mdc_diallocation,static,1)
    -- Executing [static@mdc_diallocation:1] Dial("Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2", "Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-1") in new stack
    -- Called Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-1
    -- Executing [ext@mdc_locallocation-1:1] Dial("Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-1-00000034;2", "Local/ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1&Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1&Local/ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1") in new stack
    -- Called Local/ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1
    -- Called Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1
    -- Called Local/ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1
    -- Executing [ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1:1] Verbose("Local/ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1-00000035;2", "1,Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds") in new stack
 Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds
    -- Executing [ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1:2] Dial("Local/ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1-00000035;2", "SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0,20") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0
    -- Executing [ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1:1] Verbose("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "1,Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds") in new stack
 Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds
    -- Executing [ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1:2] Dial("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "Local/s@mdc_extphone-4,20") in new stack
    -- Called Local/s@mdc_extphone-4
    -- Executing [ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1:1] Verbose("Local/ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1-00000037;2", "1,Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds") in new stack
 Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds
    -- Executing [ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1:2] Dial("Local/ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1-00000037;2", "SIP/softphone_621,20") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/softphone_621
    -- Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:1] Dial("Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2", "Local/01721234567@mdc_outgoing") in new stack
[May 27 15:37:41] NOTICE[22710][C-00000007]: chan_local.c:968 local_call: No such extension/context 01721234567@mdc_outgoing while calling Local channel
    -- Couldn't call Local/01721234567@mdc_outgoing
  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (0:0/0/0)
    -- Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:2] NoOp("Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2", "Dialstatus: CHANUNAVAIL") in new stack
    -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
    -- Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;1 is circuit-busy
  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
    -- Executing [ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1:3] Verbose("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "1,mdc_localdevice-Dialstatus: CONGESTION - cause: 0") in new stack
 mdc_localdevice-Dialstatus: CONGESTION - cause: 0
    -- Executing [ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1:4] Gosub("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "sub_hangup,s,1(CONGESTION)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_hangup:1] Verbose("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "1,sub_hangup dialstatus: CONGESTION") in new stack
 sub_hangup dialstatus: CONGESTION
    -- Executing [s@sub_hangup:2] GotoIf("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "0?noanswer,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_hangup:3] GotoIf("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "0?busy,1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@sub_hangup:4] Goto("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "unavailable,1") in new stack
    -- Goto (sub_hangup,unavailable,1)
    -- Executing [unavailable@sub_hangup:1] Hangup("Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2", "20") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (sub_hangup, unavailable, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/ext-6@mdc_localdevice-1-00000036;2'
    -- Executing [h@mdc_extphone-4:1] Gosub("Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2", "def_hangup,s,1(,CHANUNAVAIL,,CALL)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@def_hangup:1] NoOp("Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2", ">>>def_hangup:: EXTEN:  DIALSTATUS: CHANUNAVAIL QUEUESTATUS:  REASON: CALL") in new stack
    -- SIP/softphone_621-00000017 is ringing
    -- Local/ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1-00000037;1 is ringing
    -- Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-1-00000034;1 is ringing
    -- Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;1 is ringing
    -- SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-00000016 is ringing
    -- Local/ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1-00000035;1 is ringing
  == Spawn extension (sub_main-621, ext, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015'
    -- Executing [h@sub_main-621:1] Gosub("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", "def_hangup,s,1(621,CANCEL,,CALL)") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@def_hangup:1] NoOp("SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-7-00000015", ">>>def_hangup:: EXTEN: 621 DIALSTATUS: CANCEL QUEUESTATUS:  REASON: CALL") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (mdc_diallocation, static, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/621@mdc_diallocation-00000033;2'
  == Spawn extension (mdc_locallocation-1, ext, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-1-00000034;2'
  == Spawn extension (mdc_localdevice-1, ext-2, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/ext-2@mdc_localdevice-1-00000035;2'
  == Spawn extension (mdc_localdevice-1, ext-1, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/ext-1@mdc_localdevice-1-00000037;2'


Hallo Christian,

hast du beim Amt unter Präfix eing. Nummer einen Wert vergeben?
Ich vermisse hier den Präfix beim Anruf

-- Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:1] Dial("Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2", "Local/01721234567@mdc_outgoing") in new stack

[May 27 15:37:41] NOTICE[22710][C-00000007]: chan_local.c:968 local_call: No such extension/context 01721234567@mdc_outgoing while calling Local channel
– Couldn’t call Local/01721234567@mdc_outgoing


Hallo Markus,

ich habe keinen Präfix vergeben, also automatische Amtsholung.

Wobei ich es auch schon mal mit einem Präfix versucht habe, was aber keinerlei Unterschied bringt.

– Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:1] Dial(“Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000038;2”, “Local/01721234567@mdc_outgoing”) in new stack
[May 27 15:37:41] NOTICE[22710][C-00000007]: chan_local.c:968 local_call: No such extension/context 01721234567@mdc_outgoing while calling Local channel
– Couldn’t call Local/01721234567@mdc_outgoing

Diese Meldung taucht (mit leichten Änderungen, mal ne Null mehr oder weniger) in allen Fällen auf.


Hallo Christian,

diese Meldung bedeutet, dass es für die Rufnummer 01721234567 keine passende ausgehende Regel gibt. Trag doch mal bei den ausgehenden Regeln deines Amtes die 0 bei In-Präfix ein. Du kannst dann in der CLI den Dialplan mittels dialplan show 01721234567@mdc_outgoing überprüfen. Beziehungsweise wenn du von einer Nebenstelle die Rufnummer wählst, sollte es auch klappen.
Ist dies nicht der Fall, passt was nicht mit der Konfiguration des Amtes bzw. desen Regeln nicht.


Hallo Markus,

Ich habe jetzt die 0 bei In-Präfix eingetragen bringt aber auch keine Änderung.
Hier der Output des Dialplanes

mobydickCLI> dialplan show 01721234567@mdc_outgoing
Context ‘mdc_outgoing’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘3048211’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-6,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]
‘_0+%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘5009222’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-7,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]
%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘5009250’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-8,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]
‘_0+*%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘602350’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-2,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]

-= 4 extensions (12 priorities) in 1 context. =-

Hier mal ein paar Screenshots der Konfiguration meines Fritz!Box Amtes

Ausgehende Regeln

Eingehende Regeln



Hallo Christian,

poste doch bitte mal den Output der CLI, wenn du jetzt einen Anruf auf die 0 01721234567 machst.
Bzw. sollte dialplan show 001721234567@mdc_outgoing identisch bleiben.


Hallo Markus,

hier der Output aus der CLI:

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_location-1:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,Christian Richter”) in new stack
Christian Richter
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_location-1:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_LOCATION_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_location-1:3] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_LOCATION_NAME=Christian Richter”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_location-1:4] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_location,s,1(1,001721234567)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_location:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,used location id: 1 - dialed extension: 001721234567”) in new stack
used location id: 1 - dialed extension: 001721234567
– Executing [s@sub_location:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM=001721234567”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_location:3] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_location-1:5] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_split-location,s,1(1)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,get user for location: 1”) in new stack
get user for location: 1
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:2] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0?s-zero,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:3] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “TMP_USER_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:4] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,user id: 1”) in new stack
user id: 1
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:5] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_location-1:6] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “mdc_user-1,001721234567,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_user-1,001721234567,1)
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_user-1:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,christian”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_user-1:2] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_user,s,1(caller,1,621,christian,Christian Richter,621,621,3048211)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,sub_user mode caller”) in new stack
sub_user mode caller
– Executing [s@sub_user:2] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “s-caller,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_user,s-caller,1)
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,sub_user user id: 1 - user exten: 621 - user: christian - realname: Christian Richter - own mailbox: 621 - watched mailbox: 621 - callerid(num): 3048211”) in new stack
sub_user user id: 1 - user exten: 621 - user: christian - realname: Christian Richter - own mailbox: 621 - watched mailbox: 621 - callerid(num): 3048211
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_USER_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:3] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_NUM=621”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:4] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_ACC_NAME=christian”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:5] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_ACC_REALNAME=Christian Richter”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:6] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_VM_OWN=621”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:7] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_CALLER_VM_WATCHED=621”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:8] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “CALLERID(name)=Christian Richter”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:9] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “CALLERID(num)=3048211”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:10] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_user-1:3] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “internal,001721234567,1”) in new stack
– Goto (internal,001721234567,1)
– Executing [001721234567@internal:1] SIPAddHeader(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, "“Alert-Info:<http://www.notused.de>;info=alert-internal;x-line-id=0"”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@internal:2] GosubIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1?sub_initcall,s,1(int,001721234567)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,sub_initcall descent: int exten: 001721234567”) in new stack
sub_initcall descent: int exten: 001721234567
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:2] GosubIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1?sub_initloop,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,initial loop”) in new stack
initial loop
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:3] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:3] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALDESCENT=int”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:4] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “int,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_initcall,int,1)
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:1] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUMINIT=621”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUMINIT=001721234567”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:3] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@internal:3] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “main,001721234567,1”) in new stack
– Goto (main,001721234567,1)
– Executing [001721234567@main:1] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_defcall,s,1(001721234567)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:1] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_ALIAS_HOP=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUM=001721234567”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:3] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUM=3048211”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:4] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALCHANNELNAME=jhKjEryNV34c3a0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:5] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1?nozap”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_defcall,s,8)
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:8] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNAME=Christian Richter”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:9] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@main:2] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “mdc_distribute,001721234567,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_distribute,001721234567,1)
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_distribute:1] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0”) in new stack
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_distribute:2] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,remove inprefix: 0”) in new stack
remove inprefix: 0
– Executing [001721234567@mdc_distribute:3] Goto(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “mdc_outgoing-6,01721234567,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_outgoing-6,01721234567,1)
– Executing [01721234567@mdc_outgoing-6:1] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_trunk-outgoing-6,01721234567,1”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:1] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_nat2int,s,1(MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT,01721234567,00,49,0,5231)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 01721234567 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231”) in new stack
sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 01721234567 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:2] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:3] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:4] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0?s-intshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:5] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0?s-natshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:6] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1?s-nat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_nat2int,s-nat,1)
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,national”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:2] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT=00491721234567”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:3] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:2] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “sub_int2nat,s,1(MDC_CALLEE_NUM_NAT,00491721234567,00,49,0,5231)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:1] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLEE_NUM_NAT - exten: 00491721234567 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231”) in new stack
sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLEE_NUM_NAT - exten: 00491721234567 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5231
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:2] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0?nat”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:3] GotoIf(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1?s-internat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_int2nat,s-internat,1)
– Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:1] Set(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM_NAT=01721234567”) in new stack
– Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:2] Return(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:3] SIPAddHeader(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “P-Preferred-Identity: sip:3048211@”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:4] UserEvent(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “ResolveCallerName,Strategy: default,Outbound: 1,Channel: SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:5] Wait(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “0.25”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:6] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,MDC_RESOLVENAME_HITS = 1”) in new stack
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:7] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,MDC_DIALCALLEENAME = Christian Richter”) in new stack
MDC_DIALCALLEENAME = Christian Richter
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:8] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,Fritz!Box Gateway - 621”) in new stack
Fritz!Box Gateway - 621
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:9] Dial(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-2/01721234567,t”) in new stack
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Called SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-2/01721234567
– SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-2-000000ca is making progress passing it to SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9
[Jun 3 14:28:51] WARNING[18300][C-00000045]: app_dial.c:1546 wait_for_answer: Unable to write frametype: 2
== Spawn extension (sub_trunk-outgoing-6, 01721234567, 9) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9’
– Executing [h@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:1] Gosub(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “def_hangup,s,1(,CANCEL,CALL)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@def_hangup:1] NoOp(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “>>>def_hangup:: EXTEN: DIALSTATUS: CANCEL QUEUESTATUS: REASON: CALL”) in new stack

und hier vom dialplan show 001721234567@mdc_outgoing.

mobydickCLI> dialplan show 001721234567@mdc_outgoing
Context ‘mdc_outgoing’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘3048211’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-6,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]
‘_0+%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘5009222’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-7,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]
%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘5009250’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-8,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]
‘_0+*%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ (CID match ‘602350’) => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=0) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-2,${EXTEN:1},1) [pbx_config]

-= 4 extensions (12 priorities) in 1 context. =-


also vom Dialplan sieht es jetzt gut aus, so wie du das Amt/Regeln konfiguriert hast.
Der Anruf wird jetzt an das SIP-Amt (Fritzbox) weitergestellt

– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:8] Verbose(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “1,Fritz!Box Gateway - 621”) in new stack
Fritz!Box Gateway - 621
– Executing [01721234567@sub_trunk-outgoing-6:9] Dial(“SIP/jhKjEryNV34c3a0-000000c9”, “SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-2/01721234567,t”) in new stack
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Called SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-2/01721234567

Jetzt gilt es dann noch rauszufinden, wieso die Fritzbox den Anruf nicht annimmt.


Hallo Markus,

das versteh ich jetzt nicht.

Ich habe doch jetzt mit dem letzten Versuch ganz normal mein Mobiltelefon angerufen aber das klappte vorher doch auch schon.
Jetzt bin ich total verwirrt.

Wieso sollte jetzt denn die Fritzbox den Anruf annehemen? confused


Hallo Christian,

ich fasse jetzt mal zusammen. Ziel ist es, dass bei einem Benutzer sein Festtelefon und sein Handy zugleich läuten sollen.
Das Handy hast du als externes Gerät bzw. als integriertes Mobiltelefon hinterlegt und dem entsprechenden Benutzer zugewiesen. Ebenso das Festtelefon.
Der Anruf auf das Handy direkt funktioniert.

Wie verhält es sich jetzt, wenn du den entsprechenden Benutzer nun aktuell anrufst?


Hallo Markus,

also wenn ich jetzt den entsprechenden User (Durchwahl 621) von einer anderen Nebenstelle/User (620) aus anrufe, dann klingelt mein Softphone aber nicht das Mobiltelefon.

Auszug aus der CLI

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Called SIP/softphone_621
– Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:1] Dial(“Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000255;2”, “Local/001725251392@mdc_outgoing”) in new stack
[Jun 4 10:25:33] NOTICE[19797][C-0000005f]: chan_local.c:968 local_call: No such extension/context 001725251392@mdc_outgoing while calling Local channel
– Couldn’t call Local/001725251392@mdc_outgoing
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (0:0/0/0)
– Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:2] NoOp(“Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000255;2”, “Dialstatus: CHANUNAVAIL”) in new stack
– Auto fallthrough, channel ‘Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000255;2’ status is ‘CHANUNAVAIL’
– Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-00000255;1 is circuit-busy
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)

Wenn ich jetzt von einem externen Telefon anrufe passiert dieses:

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Called SIP/softphone_621
– Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:1] Dial(“Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-0000025b;2”, “Local/001725251392@mdc_outgoing”) in new stack
[Jun 4 10:32:13] NOTICE[20280][C-00000060]: chan_local.c:968 local_call: No such extension/context 001725251392@mdc_outgoing while calling Local channel
– Couldn’t call Local/001725251392@mdc_outgoing
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (0:0/0/0)
– Executing [s@mdc_extphone-4:2] NoOp(“Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-0000025b;2”, “Dialstatus: CHANUNAVAIL”) in new stack
– Auto fallthrough, channel ‘Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-0000025b;2’ status is ‘CHANUNAVAIL’
– Local/s@mdc_extphone-4-0000025b;1 is circuit-busy
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)

Also wie man sieht genau das gleiche. Mein Mobiltelefon will einfach nicht klingeln.


Was ich jetzt nicht nachvollziehen kann ist, dass er angeblich keine Dialplan-Regeln für 001725251392@mdc_outgoing findet. Aber mit dialplan show 001725251392@mdc_outgoing die Regeln listet. Ebenso wenn du von einem internen Telefon Telefon die Nummer 001725251392 rufst der Anruf klappt!
Ist das so?!


Hallo Markus,

genau so ist es.
Wenn ich die Nummer 001725251392 Anrufe geht der Ruf raus.

und mit dialplan show 001725251392@mdc_outgoing bekomm ich auch die Regeln aufgelistet.

Ich versteh nix mehr :frowning:


Hallo Christian,

du kannst mir die mdc_extensions.conf mal packen und hochladen. Dann kann ich da mal einen Blick drauf werfen.


Hallo Markus,

hier einmal die gewünschte Datei.

/home/pfaffman/data/pascom.net/attachments/2/8/0/6/376.attach (12.8 KB)


Hallo Christian,

das Geheimnis liegt wohl in der Definition der ausgehenden Regeln. Um die CALLERID(num) für die verschiedenen Fritzbox-Leitungen zu setzen verwendest du in den ausgehenden Regeln die QUELLE?!
Du hast wie es aussieht keine Standard-Regel (ohne Quelle) definiert, deshalb kann der Anruf nicht weitergeleitet werden und bleibt bei den ausgehenden Regeln stecken.
Definiere doch bitte eine entsprechende ausgehende Regeln jetzt ohne auf die CALLERID(num) einzuschränken. Bzw. pass die Quelle der tatsächlich verwendeten CALLERID(num) der Nebenstellen an. Dann sollte es klappen.
