Timeout Intere Gespräche

Hallo Leute,

ich teste derzeit die Community Edition der Mobydick 7. Funktioniert alles soweit super.

Mit einer kleinen Ausnahme. Wenn man einen Internen Teilnehmer anruft läutet das Telefon immer nur 10 sekunden und geht dann auf Besetzt.
Endgeräte sind hier zwei snom720 und Gigaset VoIP Endgeräte.

Eine Anpassung in den Endgeräteeinstellungen (Timeout intern) auf 120 hat leider nichts gebracht. Wo könnte ich hier was übersehen haben?
Von Extern funktioniert alles wie es soll.

Danke schonmal an alle :slight_smile:

Gruß Sevi

Hallo Sevi,

hast du bei jedem Gerät unter der Benutzerverwaltung, Register Geräte bei zugewiesene Endgeräte den Timeout int auf 120 Sekunden gestellt?
Siehe hierzu auch http://wiki.pascom.net/confluence/display/MD76DE/Konzept%3A+Followme

Andernfalls würde ich vorschlagen, dass du den Timeout nur mit einem Gerät pro Benutzer probierst, um so auszuschließen, dass eines der Geräte selbst hier auflegt.
Als nächsten könntest du dann auf der CLI mitverfolgen, welches der Geräte denn hier schon zu früh auflegt und weshalb.


Hallo Markus,

danke für die schnelle Antwort.

Nach dem Link den du gesendet hast bin ich vorgegangen. Egal welche zeit man einträgt ist keine Veränderung feststellbar.
Auch von den Endgeräten her ist es egal welches man verwendet.

Einzig auffällige in der CLI ist dieser eintrag

– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-0000309e is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-0000309e is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-0000309e is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-0000309e is ringing
– Nobody picked up in 15000 ms <------------------------------------
== Spawn extension (mdc_multidial-32, 32, 4) exited non-zero on ‘Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000dab;2’
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:4] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d”, "1,sub_main-Dialstatus: ") in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:5] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:6] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d”, “sub_suffix-32,int,1”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_diallocation, static, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000dac;2’
– Executing [int@sub_suffix-32:1] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d”, “1?back”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_suffix-32,int,3)
– Executing [int@sub_suffix-32:3] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:7] ExecIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d”, “0?HangUp(20):HangUp(17)”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_ident-1, 32-dial, 7) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-0000309d’
== Spawn extension (mdc_locallocation-1, int, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Local/int@mdc_locallocation-1-00000dad;2’
== Spawn extension (mdc_localdevice-1, int-11, 2) exited non-zero on ‘Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1-00000dae;2’
== Extension Changed 30[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User Theke
== Extension Changed 30[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User bAcmwGMtH70de56
== Extension Changed 32[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User Theke
== Extension Changed 32[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User BcEYUP02y709b92


Habe gerade noch festgestellt, dass beim verbinden werden die 120 sekunden eingehalten :slight_smile:


kannst du mir bitte mal den Auszug aus der CLI posten, wo bereits der erste DIAL zu sehen ist.
Bitte beachte auch, wenn du eine Warteschlange oder Rufgruppe rufst, wirken sich die Timeouts anders aus, hier haben die der Warteschlange selbst und der Agenten u.a. Vorrang.


Hallo Markus,

ja die Timeouts der Warteschlange/Rufgruppe funktionieren, hier reagieren die Telefone auch so wie sie sollen.

hier der auszug. Gerufen wird von Extention 30 auf 32

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [32@mdc_location-2:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,Rudolf Brückl”) in new stack
Rudolf Brückl
– Executing [32@mdc_location-2:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_LOCATION_ID=2”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_location-2:3] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_LOCATION_NAME=Rudolf Brückl”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_location-2:4] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_location,s,1(2,32)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_location:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,used location id: 2 - dialed extension: 32”) in new stack
used location id: 2 - dialed extension: 32
– Executing [s@sub_location:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM=32”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_location:3] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_location-2:5] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_split-location,s,1(2)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,get user for location: 2”) in new stack
get user for location: 2
== Extension Changed 30[mdc_hint-ident] new state InUse for Notify User Theke
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:2] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “0?s-zero,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:3] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “TMP_USER_ID=3”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:4] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,user id: 3”) in new stack
user id: 3
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:5] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
== Extension Changed 30[mdc_hint-ident] new state InUse for Notify User bAcmwGMtH70de56
– Executing [32@mdc_location-2:6] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “mdc_user-3,32,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_user-3,32,1)
– Executing [32@mdc_user-3:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,Rudi”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_user-3:2] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_user,s,1(caller,3,30,Rudi,Rudolf Brückl,30,30,30)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,sub_user mode caller”) in new stack
sub_user mode caller
– Executing [s@sub_user:2] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “s-caller,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_user,s-caller,1)
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,sub_user user id: 3 - user exten: 30 - user: Rudi - realname: Rudolf Brückl - own mailbox: 30 - watched mailbox: 30 - callerid(num): 30”) in new stack
sub_user user id: 3 - user exten: 30 - user: Rudi - realname: Rudolf Brückl - own mailbox: 30 - watched mailbox: 30 - callerid(num): 30
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_USER_ID=3”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:3] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_NUM=30”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:4] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_ACC_NAME=Rudi”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:5] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_ACC_REALNAME=Rudolf Brückl”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:6] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_VM_OWN=30”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:7] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_CALLER_VM_WATCHED=30”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:8] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “CALLERID(name)=Rudolf Brückl”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:9] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “CALLERID(num)=30”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:10] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_user-3:3] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “internal,32,1”) in new stack
– Goto (internal,32,1)
– Executing [32@internal:1] SIPAddHeader(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, "“Alert-Info:<http://www.notused.de>;info=alert-internal;x-line-id=0"”) in new stack
– Executing [32@internal:2] GosubIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1?sub_initcall,s,1(int,32)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,sub_initcall descent: int exten: 32”) in new stack
sub_initcall descent: int exten: 32
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:2] GosubIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1?sub_initloop,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,initial loop”) in new stack
initial loop
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:3] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:3] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALDESCENT=int”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:4] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “int,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_initcall,int,1)
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:1] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUMINIT=30”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUMINIT=32”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:3] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32@internal:3] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “main,32,1”) in new stack
– Goto (main,32,1)
– Executing [32@main:1] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_defcall,s,1(32)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:1] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_ALIAS_HOP=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUM=32”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:3] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUM=30”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:4] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALCHANNELNAME=BcEYUP02y709b92”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:5] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1?nozap”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_defcall,s,8)
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:8] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNAME=Rudolf Brückl”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:9] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32@main:2] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “mdc_distribute,32,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_distribute,32,1)
– Executing [32@mdc_distribute:1] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_user,s,1(callee,1,Seiler,Severin Seiler,32,32)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,sub_user mode callee”) in new stack
sub_user mode callee
– Executing [s@sub_user:2] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “s-callee,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_user,s-callee,1)
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,sub_user user id: 1 - user: Seiler - realname: Severin Seiler - own mailbox: 32 - watched mailbox: 32”) in new stack
sub_user user id: 1 - user: Seiler - realname: Severin Seiler - own mailbox: 32 - watched mailbox: 32
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “_MDC_CALLEE_USER_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:3] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “_MDC_CALLEE_ACC_NAME=Seiler”) in new stack
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:4] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “_MDC_CALLEE_ACC_REALNAME=Severin Seiler”) in new stack
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:5] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “_MDC_CALLEE_VM_OWN=32”) in new stack
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:6] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “_MDC_CALLEE_VM_WATCHED=32”) in new stack
– Executing [s-callee@sub_user:7] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_distribute:2] Goto(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “mdc_ident-1,32,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_ident-1,32,1)
– Executing [32@mdc_ident-1:1] NoOp(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “alias-check:: call forwarding from 32 - 0”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_ident-1:2] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “0?32-uml,1:32-dial,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_ident-1,32-dial,1)
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:1] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__MDC_EXTEN=32”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:2] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_prefix-32,int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_prefix-32:1] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1,no action”) in new stack
no action
– Executing [int@sub_prefix-32:2] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:3] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “0?32-unavail,1”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:4] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “0?32-busy,1”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:5] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_main-32,int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:1] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__PICKUPMARK=32”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:2] Set(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “__SPYGROUP=32”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:3] Queue(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “mdc_pqueue-1,r,120”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_multidial-32:1] Set(“Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000ddf;2”, “__MDC_CALLEE_USER_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_multidial-32:2] Set(“Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000ddf;2”, “__PICKUPMARK=32”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_multidial-32:3] Set(“Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000ddf;2”, “__SPYGROUP=32”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_multidial-32:4] Dial(“Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000ddf;2”, “Local/32@mdc_diallocation,c”) in new stack
– Called Local/32@mdc_diallocation
– Executing [32@mdc_diallocation:1] Verbose(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “1,dial to 32 for user 1”) in new stack
dial to 32 for user 1
– Executing [32@mdc_diallocation:2] Set(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “MDC_EXTEN=32”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_diallocation:3] Gosub(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “sub_split-user,s,1(1)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:1] Verbose(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “1,get locations for for: 1”) in new stack
get locations for for: 1
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:2] GotoIf(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “0?s-zero,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:3] Set(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “TMP_LOCATIONS=1;0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:4] Set(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “TMP_STATIC_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:5] Verbose(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “1,static id: 1”) in new stack
static id: 1
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:6] Set(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “TMP_DYN_ID=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:7] Verbose(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “1,dynamic id: 0”) in new stack
dynamic id: 0
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:8] Return(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_diallocation:4] GotoIf(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “0?invalid,1”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_diallocation:5] GotoIf(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “0?dynamic,1”) in new stack
– Executing [32@mdc_diallocation:6] GotoIf(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “1?static,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_diallocation,static,1)
– Executing [static@mdc_diallocation:1] Dial(“Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2”, “Local/int@mdc_locallocation-1”) in new stack
– Called Local/int@mdc_locallocation-1
– Executing [int@mdc_locallocation-1:1] Dial(“Local/int@mdc_locallocation-1-00000de1;2”, “Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1”) in new stack
– Called Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1
– Executing [int-11@mdc_localdevice-1:1] Verbose(“Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1-00000de2;2”, “1,Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 120 seconds”) in new stack
Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 120 seconds
– Executing [int-11@mdc_localdevice-1:2] Dial(“Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1-00000de2;2”, “SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56,120”) in new stack
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Called SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56
== Extension Changed 32[mdc_hint-ident] new state Ringing for Notify User Theke
== Extension Changed 32[mdc_hint-ident] new state Ringing for Notify User BcEYUP02y709b92
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-000030b3 is ringing
– Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1-00000de2;1 is ringing
– Local/int@mdc_locallocation-1-00000de1;1 is ringing
– Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;1 is ringing
– Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000ddf;1 is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-000030b3 is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-000030b3 is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-000030b3 is ringing
– SIP/bAcmwGMtH70de56-000030b3 is ringing
– Nobody picked up in 15000 ms
== Spawn extension (mdc_multidial-32, 32, 4) exited non-zero on ‘Local/32@mdc_multidial-32-00000ddf;2’
== Spawn extension (mdc_diallocation, static, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Local/32@mdc_diallocation-00000de0;2’
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:4] Verbose(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, "1,sub_main-Dialstatus: ") in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_locallocation-1, int, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Local/int@mdc_locallocation-1-00000de1;2’
– Executing [int@sub_main-32:5] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:6] Gosub(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “sub_suffix-32,int,1”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_localdevice-1, int-11, 2) exited non-zero on ‘Local/int-11@mdc_localdevice-1-00000de2;2’
– Executing [int@sub_suffix-32:1] GotoIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “1?back”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_suffix-32,int,3)
– Executing [int@sub_suffix-32:3] Return(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [32-dial@mdc_ident-1:7] ExecIf(“SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2”, “0?HangUp(20):HangUp(17)”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_ident-1, 32-dial, 7) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/BcEYUP02y709b92-000030b2’
== Extension Changed 32[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User Theke
== Extension Changed 32[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User BcEYUP02y709b92
== Extension Changed 30[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User Theke
== Extension Changed 30[mdc_hint-ident] new state Idle for Notify User bAcmwGMtH70de56


des Rätsels Lösung ist, dass du wohl versehentlich allen Benutzern den Rollentyp persönliches Wartefeld zugewiesen hast. Dies hat zur Folge, dass für alle Benutzer mit der entsprechenden Rolle ein Wartefeld eingerichtet wird. Nimm den Rollentyp bitte bei der Rolle raus und du solltest das Verhalten wie gewollt haben.


Hallo Markus,

genau das war die Lösung :slight_smile:

Tausend Dank dir und schöne Woche noch.

Gruß Sevi