QSC Trunk

wir sind auf der Suche nach einer (TK Anlage), dazu bin ich auf die MobyDick gekommen,
ich habe mir die Community Version geladen und installiert.

Leider scheitert es an der Anlage des Trunk von QSC.
Die Schnelleinrichtung funktioniert, leider nur bei ausgehenden Anrufen, die eingehenden werden nicht richtig verteilt, und mir sagt immer eine Nette Dame: Leider haben Sie keine gültige Nummer gewählt …

Wir haben von QSC ein 300er Block mit den Nummer XXXXXYY89000 - XXXXXYY89299
Die Zugangsdaten lauten XXXXXYY890

X = Zahl für Vorwahl
Y Zahl für Ortsnummer

Wäre nett wenn mir jemand ein Tip geben könnte.


Hallo erstmal,

schön, dass Du die MobyDick ausprobierst.
Könnte daran liegen, dass es keine passende eingehende Regel gibt. Schau dir doch bitte hierzu mal die Wiki http://wiki.pascom.net/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5210735 an.
Du kannst auch auf der CLI des Asterisk nachschauen, mit welcher Rufnummer QSC auf der MobyDick daherkommt um so ein passende Zuordnung zu deinen internen Rufnummern herzustellen, hierzu dienen die eingehenden Regeln eines Amtes.

Falls du nicht weiter kommst, poste doch bitte mal die Ausgabe der CLI bei einem eingehenden Ruf. Bzw. welche eingehenden Regeln du schon eingetragen hast und welche internen Nebenstellenrufnummern du verwendest. Über die eingehenden Regeln kann man so ziemlich alles umlenken.


Hallo Markus,
danke für die Antwort
anbei der auszug anrufer ist die 953119 und angerufen wurde die 3489019, Vorwahlen XXX ich mal ein paar Ziffern weg :slight_smile:

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [0xxx134890@mdc_incoming-17:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_CALLER_NUM_TRUNK=0xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [0xxx134890@mdc_incoming-17:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM_TRUNK=0xxx134890”) i n new stack
– Executing [0xxx134890@mdc_incoming-17:3] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “mdc_trunk-17,s,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_trunk-17,s,1)
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,callee number: 0xxx134890 caller number: 0xxx1953119”) in new stack
callee number: 0xxx134890 caller number: 0xxx1953119
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:2] GosubIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “0?sub_internat,s,1(CALLERID(num),0xxx195311 9,00)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:3] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “sub_nat2int,s,1(MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT,0xxx1 953119,00,49,0,xxx1)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_INT ERNAT - CALLERID(num): 0xxx1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: xxx1”) in new stack
sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 0xxx1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 5 xxx
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:2] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:3] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:4] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “0?s-intshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:5] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “0?s-natshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:6] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1?s-nat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_nat2int,s-nat,1)
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,national”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT=0049xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:3] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:4] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “CALLERID(num)=0049xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:5] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “sub_int2nat,s,1(MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT,0049xxx195 3119,00,49,0,xxx1)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT - exten: 0049xxx1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: xxx1”) in new stack
sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT - exten: 0049xxx1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: xxx1
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:2] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “0?nat”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:3] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1?s-internat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_int2nat,s-internat,1)
– Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT=0xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:2] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:6] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “CALLERID(num)=0xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:7] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_NUMPREFIX_TRUNK=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:8] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “CALLERID(num)=00xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-17:9] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “mdc_mapping-17,0xxx134890,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_mapping-17,0xxx134890,1)
– Executing [0xxx134890@mdc_mapping-17:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “CHANNEL(language)=de”) in new stack
– Executing [0xxx134890@mdc_mapping-17:2] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,mapping from 0xxx134890 to 00” ) in new stack
mapping from 0xxx134890 to 00
– Executing [0xxx134890@mdc_mapping-17:3] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “mdc_external,00,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_external,00,1)
– Executing [00@mdc_external:1] SIPAddHeader(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, "“Alert-Info:<http://www.notused.de>;i nfo=alert-external;x-line-id=0"”) in new stack
– Executing [00@mdc_external:2] GosubIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1?sub_initcall,s,1(ext,00)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,sub_initcall descent: ext exten: 00”) in new stack
sub_initcall descent: ext exten: 00
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:2] GosubIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1?sub_initloop,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1,initial loop”) in new stack
initial loop
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:3] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:3] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALDESCENT=ext”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:4] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “ext,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_initcall,ext,1)
– Executing [ext@sub_initcall:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUMINIT=0xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_initcall:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUMINIT=0xxx134890”) in new s tack
– Executing [ext@sub_initcall:3] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [00@mdc_external:3] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “main,00,1”) in new stack
– Goto (main,00,1)
– Executing [00@main:1] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “sub_defcall,s,1(00)”) in new stack
[Sep 17 15:55:23] NOTICE[10274]: func_math.c:424 crement_function_read: The value is now: 1
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUM=00”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:3] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUM=00xxx1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:4] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALCHANNELNAME=mdc_trunk_conf-17”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:5] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “1?nozap”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_defcall,s,8)
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:8] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNAME=”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:9] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [00@main:2] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “mdc_distribute,00,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_distribute,00,1)
– Executing [00@mdc_distribute:1] Macro(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “exception”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-exception:1] Answer(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-exception:2] Playback(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046”, “pbx-invalid”) in new stack
– <SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046> Playing ‘pbx-invalid.alaw’ (language ‘de’)
== Spawn extension (macro-exception, s, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046’ in macro ‘exception’
== Spawn extension (mdc_distribute, 00, 1) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-17-00000046’

Wie ich das verstehe versucht er auf die Zentrale zu gehen also auf die 3489000

ein Lösungsansatz?

Vielen Dank schon mal im voraus.

Hallo Daniel,

so wie ich dem Dialplan entnehme gibts eine eingehende Regel 0xxx134890 -> 00 für die Zentrale. Zum Beispiel wenn die Zentrale von einem Team abgedeckt werden soll, dann legt dir einfach ein Team mit Durchwahl 800 an und ändere die eingehende Regel 0xxx134890 -> 800. Somit sollten dann alle Gespräche mit der 0xxx134890 auf das Team mit der Durchwahl 800 geleitet werden.
Für die Nebenstellen könntest du dann ein weitere Regel einrichten, welche XXXXXYY89ZZZ auf ${EXTEN:-3} weiterleitet, so würde XXXXXYY89299 auf die Nebenstelle 299 weitergeleitet werden.


So nochmal ich :slight_smile:

also die Zentrale funktioniert aber bei allen Anrufen auch wenn die durchwahl gewählt wird klingelt immer die Zentrale, also alle Telefone.
die Regel für die durchwahl lautet : Quelle: * Ziel: _0xxx13489ZZZ Durchwahl ${EXTEN:-3}



dann poste doch bitte mal die CLI Ausgabe, wenn Du eine Nebenstelle rufst. Viel kann es nicht mehr sein.


Guten morgen Markus,

anbei die CLI Ausgabe, das Problem was ich nicht verstehe warum immer die 34890 als angerufen angezeigt wird obwohl die Durchwahl 3489019 oder die 3489020 anrufe, oder habe ich ein Denkfehler?
Zur Info falls es Wichtig ist :wink: der Block lautet
(0XXX1) 3489 000-299
die Logins bestehen jeweils aus 100er Blöcken
(0XXX1) 34890
(0XXX1) 34891
(0XXX1) 34892

Ich habe nur das eine Amt für 0XXX1 34890 eingerichtet.

anbei nun die CLI

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [0XXX134890@mdc_incoming-18:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_CALLER_NUM_TRUNK=0XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [0XXX134890@mdc_incoming-18:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM_TRUNK=0XXX134890”) in new stack
– Executing [0XXX134890@mdc_incoming-18:3] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “mdc_trunk-18,s,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_trunk-18,s,1)
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,callee number: 0XXX134890 caller number: 0XXX1953119”) in new stack
callee number: 0XXX134890 caller number: 0XXX1953119
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:2] GosubIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?sub_internat,s,1(CALLERID(num),0XXX1953119,00)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:3] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_nat2int,s,1(MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT,0XXX1953119,00,49,0,XXX1)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 0XXX1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: XXX1”) in new stack
sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 0XXX1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: XXX1
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:2] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:3] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:4] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?s-intshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:5] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?s-natshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:6] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1?s-nat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_nat2int,s-nat,1)
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,national”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_CALLER_NUM_INTERNAT=0049XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:3] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:4] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “CALLERID(num)=0049XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:5] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_int2nat,s,1(MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT,0049XXX1953119,00,49,0,XXX1)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT - exten: 0049XXX1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: XXX1”) in new stack
sub_int2nat:: variable: MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT - exten: 0049XXX1953119 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 49 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: XXX1
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:2] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?nat”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_int2nat:3] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1?s-internat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_int2nat,s-internat,1)
– Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_CALLER_NUM_NAT=0XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s-internat@sub_int2nat:2] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:6] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “CALLERID(num)=0XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:7] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_NUMPREFIX_TRUNK=”) in new stack
– Executing [s@mdc_trunk-18:8] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “mdc_mapping-18,0XXX134890,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_mapping-18,0XXX134890,1)
– Executing [0XXX134890@mdc_mapping-18:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “CHANNEL(language)=de”) in new stack
– Executing [0XXX134890@mdc_mapping-18:2] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,mapping from 0XXX134890 to 800”) in new stack
mapping from 0XXX134890 to 800
– Executing [0XXX134890@mdc_mapping-18:3] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “mdc_external,800,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_external,800,1)
– Executing [800@mdc_external:1] SIPAddHeader(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, "“Alert-Info:<http://www.notused.de>;info=alert-external;x-line-id=0"”) in new stack
– Executing [800@mdc_external:2] GosubIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1?sub_initcall,s,1(ext,800)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,sub_initcall descent: ext exten: 800”) in new stack
sub_initcall descent: ext exten: 800
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:2] GosubIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1?sub_initloop,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,initial loop”) in new stack
initial loop
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:3] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:3] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALDESCENT=ext”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:4] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “ext,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_initcall,ext,1)
– Executing [ext@sub_initcall:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUMINIT=0XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_initcall:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUMINIT=0XXX134890”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_initcall:3] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [800@mdc_external:3] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “main,800,1”) in new stack
– Goto (main,800,1)
– Executing [800@main:1] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_defcall,s,1(800)”) in new stack
[Sep 18 07:07:48] NOTICE[61730]: func_math.c:424 crement_function_read: The value is now: 1
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUM=800”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:3] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUM=0XXX1953119”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:4] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALCHANNELNAME=mdc_trunk_conf-18”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:5] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1?nozap”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_defcall,s,8)
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:8] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNAME=”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:9] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [800@main:2] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “mdc_distribute,800,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_distribute,800,1)
– Executing [800@mdc_distribute:1] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_team,s,1(1,Alle,Zentrage,800)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_team:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,team id: 1 team name: Alle team realname: Zentrage own vm: 800”) in new stack
team id: 1 team name: Alle team realname: Zentrage own vm: 800
– Executing [s@sub_team:2] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “_MDC_CALLEE_TM_ID=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_team:3] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “_MDC_CALLEE_TM_NAME=Alle”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_team:4] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “_MDC_CALLEE_TM_REALNAME=Zentrage”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_team:5] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “_MDC_CALLEE_VM_OWN=800”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_team:6] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [800@mdc_distribute:2] Goto(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “mdc_team-1,800,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_team-1,800,1)
– Executing [800@mdc_team-1:1] NoOp(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “alias-check:: call forwarding from 800 - 0”) in new stack
– Executing [800@mdc_team-1:2] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?800-uml,1:800-dial,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_team-1,800-dial,1)
– Executing [800-dial@mdc_team-1:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__MDC_EXTEN=800”) in new stack
– Executing [800-dial@mdc_team-1:2] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_prefix-800,ext,1”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_prefix-800:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,no action”) in new stack
no action
– Executing [ext@sub_prefix-800:2] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [800-dial@mdc_team-1:3] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_main-800,ext,1”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_main-800:1] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “CALLERID(name)=Zentrage”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_main-800:2] Gosub(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “sub_queue-free,s,1(MDC_QUEUE_FREE,Alle)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_queue-free:1] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1,sub_queue-free:: variable: MDC_QUEUE_FREE queue: Alle”) in new stack
sub_queue-free:: variable: MDC_QUEUE_FREE queue: Alle
– Executing [s@sub_queue-free:2] Verbose(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, "1,member(logged): 1 - member(free): 1 - member(ready): 1 - member(count): 2 - ") in new stack
member(logged): 1 - member(free): 1 - member(ready): 1 - member(count): 2 -
– Executing [s@sub_queue-free:3] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?notfree”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_queue-free:4] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “0?notfree”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_queue-free:5] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “MDC_QUEUE_FREE=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_queue-free:6] Return(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_main-800:3] GotoIf(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “1?free”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_main-800,ext,7)
– Executing [ext@sub_main-800:7] Set(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “__PICKUPMARK=800”) in new stack
– Executing [ext@sub_main-800:8] Queue(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “Alle,r”) in new stack
– Called Local/020@mdc_multidial-020
– Executing [020@mdc_multidial-020:1] Set(“Local/020@mdc_multidial-020-8a92;2”, “__MDC_CALLEE_USER_ID=12”) in new stack
– Executing [020@mdc_multidial-020:2] Set(“Local/020@mdc_multidial-020-8a92;2”, “__PICKUPMARK=020”) in new stack
– Executing [020@mdc_multidial-020:3] Dial(“Local/020@mdc_multidial-020-8a92;2”, “Local/020@mdc_diallocation,c”) in new stack
– Called Local/020@mdc_diallocation
– Executing [020@mdc_diallocation:1] Verbose(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “1,dial to 020 for user 12”) in new stack
dial to 020 for user 12
– Executing [020@mdc_diallocation:2] Gosub(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “sub_split-user,s,1(12)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:1] Verbose(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “1,get locations for for: 12”) in new stack
get locations for for: 12
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:2] GotoIf(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “0?s-zero,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:3] Set(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “TMP_LOCATIONS=11;0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:4] Set(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “TMP_STATIC_ID=11”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:5] Verbose(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “1,static id: 11”) in new stack
static id: 11
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:6] Set(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “TMP_DYN_ID=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:7] Verbose(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “1,dynamic id: 0”) in new stack
dynamic id: 0
– Executing [s@sub_split-user:8] Return(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [020@mdc_diallocation:3] GotoIf(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “0?invalid,1”) in new stack
– Executing [020@mdc_diallocation:4] GotoIf(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “0?dynamic,1”) in new stack
– Executing [020@mdc_diallocation:5] GotoIf(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “1?static,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_diallocation,static,1)
– Executing [static@mdc_diallocation:1] Dial(“Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2”, “Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-11”) in new stack
– Called Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-11
– Executing [ext@mdc_locallocation-11:1] Dial(“Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-11-fcc2;2”, “Local/ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11”) in new stack
– Called Local/ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11
– Executing [ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11:1] Verbose(“Local/ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11-994a;2”, “1,Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds”) in new stack
Dialing with delay of 0 seconds for 20 seconds
– Executing [ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11:2] Dial(“Local/ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11-994a;2”, “SIP/Phoner,20”) in new stack
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Called SIP/Phoner
– SIP/Phoner-00000050 is ringing
– Local/ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11-994a;1 is ringing
– Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-11-fcc2;1 is ringing
– Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;1 is ringing
– Local/020@mdc_multidial-020-8a92;1 is ringing
== Spawn extension (sub_main-800, ext, 8) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f’
– Executing [h@sub_main-800:1] Macro(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, “hangup,int,”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-hangup:1] NoOp(“SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-18-0000004f”, ">>>macro-hangup:: EXTEN: int DIALSTATUS: QUEUESTATUS: ") in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_multidial-020, 020, 3) exited non-zero on ‘Local/020@mdc_multidial-020-8a92;2’
== Spawn extension (mdc_diallocation, static, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Local/020@mdc_diallocation-1821;2’
== Spawn extension (mdc_locallocation-11, ext, 1) exited non-zero on ‘Local/ext@mdc_locallocation-11-fcc2;2’
== Spawn extension (mdc_localdevice-11, ext-5, 2) exited non-zero on ‘Local/ext-5@mdc_localdevice-11-994a;2’
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [00972592594508@no-auth-in:1] Macro(“SIP/”, “emergency-check,00972592594508”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-emergency-check:1] Verbose(“SIP/”, “1,macro-emergency-check:: exten: 00972592594508”) in new stack
macro-emergency-check:: exten: 00972592594508
– Executing [s@macro-emergency-check:2] Goto(“SIP/”, “00972592594508,1”) in new stack
– Goto (macro-emergency-check,00972592594508,1)
– Executing [00972592594508@no-auth-in:2] GotoIf(“SIP/”, “0?mdc_emergency,dial,1:mdc_emergency,invalid,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_emergency,invalid,1)
– Executing [invalid@mdc_emergency:1] NoOp(“SIP/”, “mdc_emergency:: is no emergency number”) in new stack
– Executing [invalid@mdc_emergency:2] Answer(“SIP/”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_emergency, invalid, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/’
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [000972592594508@no-auth-in:1] Macro(“SIP/”, “emergency-check,000972592594508”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-emergency-check:1] Verbose(“SIP/”, “1,macro-emergency-check:: exten: 000972592594508”) in new stack
macro-emergency-check:: exten: 000972592594508
– Executing [s@macro-emergency-check:2] Goto(“SIP/”, “000972592594508,1”) in new stack
– Goto (macro-emergency-check,000972592594508,1)
– Executing [000972592594508@no-auth-in:2] GotoIf(“SIP/”, “0?mdc_emergency,dial,1:mdc_emergency,invalid,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_emergency,invalid,1)
– Executing [invalid@mdc_emergency:1] NoOp(“SIP/”, “mdc_emergency:: is no emergency number”) in new stack
– Executing [invalid@mdc_emergency:2] Answer(“SIP/”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_emergency, invalid, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/’
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
– Executing [900972592594508@no-auth-in:1] Macro(“SIP/”, “emergency-check,900972592594508”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-emergency-check:1] Verbose(“SIP/”, “1,macro-emergency-check:: exten: 900972592594508”) in new stack
macro-emergency-check:: exten: 900972592594508
– Executing [s@macro-emergency-check:2] Goto(“SIP/”, “900972592594508,1”) in new stack
– Goto (macro-emergency-check,900972592594508,1)
– Executing [900972592594508@no-auth-in:2] GotoIf(“SIP/”, “0?mdc_emergency,dial,1:mdc_emergency,invalid,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_emergency,invalid,1)
– Executing [invalid@mdc_emergency:1] NoOp(“SIP/”, “mdc_emergency:: is no emergency number”) in new stack
– Executing [invalid@mdc_emergency:2] Answer(“SIP/”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_emergency, invalid, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/’

Nochmals besten dank!

Gruß Daniel

PS. Ist es möglich über Moby Dick die Türöffnung über Telefon zu Steuern?

Guten Morgen,

was hast Du beim peer des Amtes eingestellt - Ex aus Sip Header = NEIN?
Evtl. hat QSC hier das Verfahren geändert, versuch mal bitte hier die Einstellung JA. Evtl. musst du die Regeln dann anpassen - CLI hilft!
Wenn nicht können wir noch den SIP Debug einschalten sip set debug peer <deinqscamt>


Ups, das ist jetzt peinlich ;),
hast recht, da hatte ich gar nicht geguckt und auch nicht daran gedacht. Funktioniert jetzt. Danke!
Werde mich wenn ich mein Chef das gezeigt habe mal beim Vertrieb melden!
Nochmal vielen Dank!

Gruß Daniel :rolleyes:

Hallo Daniel,

freut mich, wenn es jetzt klappt!

Zum Thema Türöffner. Du kannst natürlich auf SIP basierte Türöffner einbinden oder klassisch auf analogbasierte Türöffner unser Vertrieb kann dier hier auch eine Empfehlung aussprechen.
