Pascom Client v60 BETA

pascom Client v60 BETA (60.D805)

German Overview

  • Wenn das Softphone die Verbindung verliert, re-registriert es sich deutlich schneller
  • Die Kontaktliste kann jetzt (wieder) nach den Server-Konfigurierten-Rollen gefiltert werden
  • Linux: Der Client verbraucht nicht mehr 100% CPU nach einem Telefonat auf Ubuntu ab 18.10 (Known Issue CL-1002)
  • Linux: Die Auswahl von Audiogeräten zeigt nun leserliche Namen und funktioniert wieder (Known Issue CL-491)
  • Linux: Kompatibilität zu verschiedenen Linux Distributionen / Versionen verbessert
  • Windows: Native Benachrichtigungen sind zuverlässiger (Known Issue CL-1009)
  • Windows: Der Client startet nun Automatisch beim Systemstart (Option in den Einstellungen und bei der Installation)
  • Android: Connection-Service Implementation verbessert (Known Issue CL-957)
  • iOS: Amtspräfix wird nun nicht mehr vor der Rufnummer gezeigt bei einem eingehenden Anruf (Known Issue CL-800)

English Overview

  • If the softphone looses connection, it re-registers significantly faster
  • The contact list can now be filtered again using roles configured on server side
  • Linux: The client doesn’t consume 100% CPU after a call staring from Ubuntu 18.10 (Known Issue CL-1002)
  • Linux: The audio device selection works again and shows pretty device names (Known Issue CL-491)
  • Linux: Improved compatibility to various linux distributions and versions
  • Windows: Native Notifications work more reliably now (Known Issue CL-1009)
  • Windows: the client now starts automatically on system startup (Configuration option in settings and during installation)
  • Android: Improved connection service implementation (Known Issue CL-957)
  • iOS: trunk prefix is not shown anymore for incoming phonecalls in CallKit Screen (Known Issue CL-800)


* [CL-357] - Client doesn't remember pdf watcher folder after closing settings
* [CL-394] - Inconsistent behavior for adding a call
* [CL-426] - Speedup client installation time on windows
* [CL-431] - Improve registration of softphone after instance/xmpp restart
* [CL-491] - pascom Client shows wrong audio devices on Linux
* [CL-585] - Ask user if setup should create autostart link on windows
* [CL-676] - Client crashes on older Nvidia GPUs during QSGDefaultDistanceFieldGlyphCache creation
* [CL-677] - Client crashes on older ATI / AMD GPUs during QOpenGLContext destructor
* [CL-688] - Wrong device used for team pickup
* [CL-793] - Speed up Settings Screen
* [CL-800] - iOS client shows trunk prefix in call push notification
* [CL-871] - Only show applicable Rendering Modes on MacOS/Linux Clients
* [CL-891] - Smart Filters, Milestone 1 - Filter Roles
* [CL-906] - Apple phonebook contact not populated after switching to settings
* [CL-911] - Open 'join group' info from group details
* [CL-917] - Mark phonebookentry as favorite broken
* [CL-919] - Store pin in groupparticipant table
* [CL-932] - Improve Android Connection Service Integration
* [CL-952] - Improve client resynchronisation logic
* [CL-947] - Match different ringing icons
* [CL-951] - Impossible to invite newly created user into the group
* [CL-957] - Sometimes, a connection service screen shows up despite self managed is enabled
* [CL-967] - Custom status not immediately visible
* [CL-982] - Can't copy phonebook contact to private phonebook if added to group before
* [CL-986] - Update to Qt 5.12.6
* [CL-991] - Call list layout broken
* [CL-992] - Details of favorite phone book contact not updated
* [CL-993] - Bring back details and chat in ringing screen
* [CL-995] - Message counter wrong in group edgecase
* [CL-1001] - Windows native notification shows group avatar
* [CL-1002] - Linux Client freeze/high-cpu after each call starting from ubuntu 18.10
* [CL-1003] - Fix phonebook UI glitches on mobile clients
* [CL-1005] - Fix fpic and other build problems on modern linux systems
* [CL-1009] - Problems with Windows Notification Center
* [CL-1012] - Roster not shown after new log in 
* [CL-1016] - Client settings partly broken
* [CL-1017] - Linux client crashes on startup
* [CL-1023] - Linux: Check which system libraries should be used
* [CL-1028] - Chat view is broken if you put the app into background and bring it back again