Need advise and help for my project idea!

Hi there,
I have PC and using it as MobyDick server, i have download free edition and install it in my PC. I have success sip call between extensions. So i have an idea if it possible to do it i will use it for business, and i will buy MobyDick business edition.

This is my idea :

If it possible i have questions :

  1. What i need as hardware to connect my Landline phone to my PC MobyDick server ?
  2. It is possible to make more than 1 call at same time ( I mean outgoing call from sip client to landline phone ) ?
  3. It is possible to receive more than 1 call at same time ( I mean incoming call from sip client or from landline phone ) ?

My idea is for people how are traveling allot so they can have sip client in Iphone or android and they able to receive call and make local call using landline from abroad when they have internet in his mobile.
In most of country they have some devise as my idea but in my county this option from telecommunication company is not possible so i will make it as business to people who traveling and they want to be connected to his home and office landline phone.

Any help to make my idea real ? :slight_smile:

Hello wadee3,

Thank you for trying out mobydick! I’ll try to answer your questions in order:

  1. You need a so called “SIP Gateway”. The two vendors we directly support are beroNet and Patton. If you want to connect something else, you can do so if it is capable of standard sip communications, but you will have no automatic provisioning available.

  2. Depends on the capabilities of the used (Software) SIP Phone. Usually you can put at least one call on hold and then make another outgoing call. Also you can use those features to transfer calls, etc.

  3. You can use a feature called “queue” where your callers will wait (with or whithout some music, announcements, etc.) until your users can pick up the calls. One user can only have one active call at the same time (because a human can only speak to one person at a time).

To make things more clear for you, you can watch our (english) tutorial videos:

Also, if you need further help, you can allways contact us for advice/quota:

Best Regards,