

wir wollten heute mal den Gruppenchat mit dem neuen Client ausprobieren. Allerdings kann ich keinen neuen Gruppenchat erstellen. Das einladen Symbol ist ausgegraut. Müssen hierfür noch bestimmte Rechte in der Mobydick vergeben werden?

Gruß Jürgen

Dear faamro,

I am sorry because I am answering your question in English. I hope that’s not problem for you. There are two possibilities to create Group chat. First one is to invoke the action “Create group chat” from menu.

Second possibility is to create single chat and then create group chat (invite more people) from this activity.

After invoking the action you will see the popup with online contacts (only online contacts can be invited in the group chat). You should select at least one contact from the list and button will be enabled. No special role in required for group chat.

Kind regards,