Client zeigt nicht alle Telefone an

Guten Tag,

mein MobyDick-Client zeigt nicht alle Geräte, welche dem Nutzer zugeordnet sind an.
Es wird mein Yealink T22P nicht in der Liste angezeigt.

Gibt es eine maximale Anzahl an Geräten die angezeigt werden?

Hat jemand eine Lösung dafür bzw. ähnliche Probleme?

Hi vampir007,

verrätst Du uns, welche Version des MobyDick und welche Version des Clients Du einsetzt?
Und wieviele Telefon sind denn dem User bereits zugewiesen?



MobyDick: 7.11.02.R
mobydick Client Version: 3.06.02.R

Es sind 5 Geräte: 1 Snom, 1 Yealink, 2 SIP-Accounts und das MobyDick-Softphone. Das Yealink wird nicht angezeigt.

Hi vampir007,

What’s the version of the phone firmware?

Kind regards,

Yealink T22P firmware is


Please perform REST request $mobydick/services/sysinfo/activeconfig and find affected device in the configuration. Copy this part of the json here.

Kind regards,

"010dev_id": 1891,
      "edittrc": "040803",
      "type": "yealink Phone",
      "doc": "IP-Telefon: Hersteller Yealink",
      "caption": "Yealink 0015651fe9d7 [XXX]",
      "extension": "3216",
      "usedby": "XXX",
      "connection": "0015651fe9d7 /",
      "info": "T22P /",
      "state": "",
      "066dev_id": 19,
      "066dev_bez": "yealink Phone",
      "066dev_doc": "IP-Telefon: Hersteller Yealink",
      "066dev_tmstmp": "2014-08-12 15:43:52.88647",
      "068bas_id": 3,
      "010dev_bez": "Yealink 0015651fe9d7 [XXX]",
      "010dev_tmstmp": "2016-01-08 09:21:26.567818",
      "009ext_id": 724,
      "090por_id": null,
      "009ext_extension": "3216",
      "009ext_tmstmp": "2016-01-07 15:11:42.391481",
      "028pho_id": 653,
      "srtp_mode": 0,
      "068bas_bez": "yealink Standard",
      "068bas_doc": null,
      "068bas_default": "1",
      "068bas_tmstmp": "2014-08-12 15:43:55.377679",
      "012loc_id": 655,
      "010012devloc_intdelay": "0",
      "010012devloc_inttimeout": "20",
      "010012devloc_extdelay": "0",
      "010012devloc_exttimeout": "20",
      "010012devloc_tmstmp": "2016-01-08 09:21:26.567818",
      "010012devloc_quedelay": "0",
      "010012devloc_quetimeout": "20",
      "011acc_id": 696,
      "012loc_bez": "XXX",
      "012loc_doc": null,
      "012loc_static": true,
      "012loc_tmstmp": "2015-10-14 16:13:23.539965",
      "011acc_tmstmp": "2016-01-07 15:11:42.391481",
      "011acc_voiidwatch": 702,
      "011acc_calleridnum": null,
      "020fax_id": 17,
      "003use_id": 702,
      "016voi_id": 702,
      "011acc_callwaiting": false,
      "003use_lastlogin": "2016-01-29 07:56:24.198546",
      "003use_name": "XXX",
      "003use_tmstmp": "2016-01-29 07:56:24.198546",
      "003use_doc": null,
      "003use_enabled": true,
      "003use_bez": "XXX",
      "003use_authrole": null,
      "034pro_id": 1,
      "003use_auth_method": "LOCAL",
      "034pro_bez": "deutsch",
      "034pro_kz": "de",
      "034pro_tmstmp": "2012-02-13 16:00:34",
      "034pro_locale": "de_DE",
      "016voi_email": "XXX",
      "016voi_mailbox": "3216",
      "016voi_name": "XXX",
      "016voi_tmstmp": "2015-10-14 16:13:23.539965",
      "016voi_format": "wav",
      "016voi_save": false,
      "015ipd_id": 1862,
      "013pee_id": 1928,
      "015ipd_option": null,
      "015ipd_tmstmp": "2016-01-29 07:22:34.284111",
      "015ipd_nat": false,
      "013pee_option": null,
      "013pee_username": "XXX",
      "013pee_password": "XXX",
      "013pee_tmstmp": "2016-01-29 07:22:34.284111",
      "071ipp_id": 611,
      "071ipp_targetip": null,
      "071ipp_mac": "0015651fe9d7",
      "071ipp_authuser": "XXX",
      "071ipp_authpass": "XXX",
      "071ipp_cur_ip": "XXX",
      "071ipp_cur_fw": "",
      "071ipp_cur_model": "T22P",
      "071ipp_cur_request": "2016-01-29 07:22:34",
      "071ipp_cur_info": "Provisionierungsanfrage",
      "071ipp_tmstmp": "2016-01-06 16:48:19.161814",
      "069fir_id": null,
      "071ipp_userrequest": null,
      "listtrc": "040701",
      "editid": 1891,
      "protocol": "SIP",
      "locatable": true,
      "dynLocatable": true,
      "capabilities": ],
      "srtp": false


I can see from configuration that this device does not have capabilities so it will not appear in client. I will investigate further and notify you about the results.

Kind regards,


Please try to roll out firmware “IP Phone SIP-T22P,” which is included in mobydick.

Kind regards,

Does it work with the new firmware?

Need to check it. I will answer here when i know it.