Best Practice

Hello everyone,

We are building a new template PBX configuration for our new customers.
When building the PBX you can configure action in the team or you can use the callroute for this actions.
What i mean is:
Option 1: when an inbound call is answered it is answered bij callroute 1, this callroute then calls team 1 then when team 1 does not answers it goes to callroute 2 which then calls team 2 etc.
So after each step i go back to a callroute where i can keep an overview of all the actions.
Option 2: On the other hand i can make the same configuration but then an inbound call calls team 1 and when they do not answer team 1 calls team 2 etc.
Option 3: Beter solution and not known by me at this moment.

Is there a best practice for configuring such a easy callflow?

Kind regards,


Hi Frans-Jan,

the best basic cloud be:

Create a Team for each department (even when the department only consists of 1 or 2 people) “backoffice”, “support”, “sales”…

Then there are 2 options:

  1. create an IVR which asks you “Press one for support, two for sales”
  2. Route an official phonenumber to each team

At Team level you check business hours, etc. You can also use “Action Templates” for that.

If someone calls your direct extension then try to reach the person for, lets say 20 seconds, then forward the call to the team. So there is still a chance to contact somebody out of business hours.

Callrouters are for more “advanced” setups. You can use them (does not hurt :wink: but not needed for that scenario.
