Hello everyone,
We are building a new template PBX configuration for our new customers.
When building the PBX you can configure action in the team or you can use the callroute for this actions.
What i mean is:
Option 1: when an inbound call is answered it is answered bij callroute 1, this callroute then calls team 1 then when team 1 does not answers it goes to callroute 2 which then calls team 2 etc.
So after each step i go back to a callroute where i can keep an overview of all the actions.
Option 2: On the other hand i can make the same configuration but then an inbound call calls team 1 and when they do not answer team 1 calls team 2 etc.
Option 3: Beter solution and not known by me at this moment.
Is there a best practice for configuring such a easy callflow?
Kind regards,