Keine ausgehenden Anrufe - "Leider keine gültige Nummer"

Liebe Community,

ich bin schon am Verzweifeln. Wir betreiben eine Mobydick Community Anlage und haben am Montag den Provider gewechselt (von UPC auf TELE2).
Nach einigen Änderungen kann nun angerufen werden und die Gespräche sind einwandfrei.
Nur leider kann ich nicht nach außen telefonieren.
Ich habe bereits “s” eingetragen aber es kommt immer “Leider haben Sie keine gültige Nummer gewählt”.

Kann uns jemand helfen und welche Infos bräuchte man dazu.

Vielen Dank!

Hi Christoph,

hast du deine ausgehenden Regeln auch angepasst ? bzw. wie sehen diese aus ?



Guten Morgen,

bzw. hast du den alten Provider schon gelöscht? Falls nicht und die bei den ausgehenden Regeln den gleichen Präfix verwendet hast, könnten sich die Regeln überschneiden und die vom alten Provider gewinnen.


Die Regel ist eigentlich gleich bzw. sehr einfach:

Deshalb verstehe ich auch nicht, warum es nicht klappt.

== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Feb 18 09:48:46] ERROR[1927]: chan_sip.c:29522 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can’t setup SRTP session.
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_location-3:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,Christoph Kienmayer”) in new stack
Christoph Kienmayer
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_location-3:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “MDC_CALLER_LOCATION_ID=3”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_location-3:3] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “MDC_CALLER_LOCATION_NAME=Christoph Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_location-3:4] Gosub(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “sub_location,s,1(3,06508307441)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_location:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,used location id: 3 - dialed extension: 06508307441”) in new stack
used location id: 3 - dialed extension: 06508307441
– Executing [s@sub_location:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM=06508307441”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_location:3] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_location-3:5] Gosub(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “sub_split-location,s,1(3)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,get user for location: 3”) in new stack
get user for location: 3
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:2] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “0?s-zero,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:3] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “TMP_USER_ID=4”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:4] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,user id: 4”) in new stack
user id: 4
– Executing [s@sub_split-location:5] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_location-3:6] Goto(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “mdc_user-4,06508307441,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_user-4,06508307441,1)
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_user-4:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,Christoph”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_user-4:2] Gosub(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “sub_user,s,1(caller,4,101,Christoph,Christoph Kienmayer,101,101,101)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,sub_user mode caller”) in new stack
sub_user mode caller
– Executing [s@sub_user:2] Goto(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “s-caller,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_user,s-caller,1)
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,sub_user user id: 4 - user exten: 101 - user: Christoph - realname: Christoph Kienmayer - own mailbox: 101 - watched mailbox: 101 - callerid(num): 101”) in new stack
sub_user user id: 4 - user exten: 101 - user: Christoph - realname: Christoph Kienmayer - own mailbox: 101 - watched mailbox: 101 - callerid(num): 101
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_CALLER_USER_ID=4”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:3] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_CALLER_NUM=101”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:4] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_CALLER_ACC_NAME=Christoph”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:5] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_CALLER_ACC_REALNAME=Christoph Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:6] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_CALLER_VM_OWN=101”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:7] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_CALLER_VM_WATCHED=101”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:8] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “CALLERID(name)=Christoph Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:9] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “CALLERID(num)=101”) in new stack
– Executing [s-caller@sub_user:10] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_user-4:3] Goto(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “internal,06508307441,1”) in new stack
– Goto (internal,06508307441,1)
– Executing [06508307441@internal:1] SIPAddHeader(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, "“Alert-Info:<>;info=alert-internal;x-line-id=0"”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@internal:2] GosubIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1?sub_initcall,s,1(int,06508307441)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,sub_initcall descent: int exten: 06508307441”) in new stack
sub_initcall descent: int exten: 06508307441
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:2] GosubIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1?sub_initloop,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1,initial loop”) in new stack
initial loop
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=0”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initloop:3] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:3] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALDESCENT=int”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_initcall:4] Goto(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “int,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_initcall,int,1)
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:1] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUMINIT=101”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUMINIT=06508307441”) in new stack
– Executing [int@sub_initcall:3] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@internal:3] Goto(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “main,06508307441,1”) in new stack
– Goto (main,06508307441,1)
– Executing [06508307441@main:1] Gosub(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “sub_defcall,s,1(06508307441)”) in new stack
[Feb 18 09:48:46] NOTICE[371]: func_math.c:424 crement_function_read: The value is now: 1
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:1] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “MDC_ALIAS_HOP=1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLEENUM=06508307441”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:3] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNUM=101”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:4] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALCHANNELNAME=Christoph_Tel”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:5] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “1?nozap”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_defcall,s,8)
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:8] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “__MDC_DIALCALLERNAME=Christoph Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_defcall:9] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@main:2] Goto(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “mdc_distribute,06508307441,1”) in new stack
– Goto (mdc_distribute,06508307441,1)
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_distribute:1] Macro(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “exception”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-exception:1] Answer(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-exception:2] Playback(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f”, “pbx-invalid”) in new stack
– <SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f> Playing ‘pbx-invalid.alaw’ (language ‘de’)
== Spawn extension (macro-exception, s, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f’ in macro ‘exception’
== Spawn extension (mdc_distribute, 06508307441, 1) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/Christoph_Tel-0000000f’

Hier noch die CLI-Infos. Kann es am SRTP liegen?


in deinem Screenshot sehe ich, dass das Anwenden der Telefonie noch aussteht, das würde auch erklären wieso im Dialplan die Regeln nicht gefunden wird, mach das bitte mal.


Hi Markus,

das war nur für die Erstellung des Bildes. Die Regel ist natürlich angewandt worden. Sogar mehrfach.

Danke und Gruß,


Wieso hast du beim Ziel s drin, hier sollte ein *****. Sonst wird die Regel für deine gewählte Rufnummer nicht greifen.
Änder das bitte mal und poste noch einen Auszug aus der CLI. Du kannst das Regeln matching auch auf der CLI überprüfen - mittels dialplan show 06508307441@mdc_outgoing.


Hallo Markus,

wann ist das raus nehme, dann schreibst das SNOM-Phone “temporary unavailable”.
Anbei noch der CLI:

– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num) : 06508307441 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 43 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 1”) in new stack
sub_nat2int:: variable: MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT - CALLERID(num): 06508307441 - intVAZ: 00 - lkz: 43 - natVAZ: 0 - onKz: 1
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:2] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:3] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “0?s-int,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:4] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “0?s-intshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:5] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “0?s-natshort,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_nat2int:6] GotoIf(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1?s-nat,1”) in new stack
– Goto (sub_nat2int,s-nat,1)
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,national”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “MDC_CALLEE_NUM_INTERNAT=00436508307441”) in new stack
– Executing [s-nat@sub_nat2int:3] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:3] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “CALLERID(name)=+4312524189101”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:4] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “CALLERID(num)=+4312524189101”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:5] Gosub(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “sub_pb-search,s,1(MDC_DIALCALLEENAME,06508307441 ,06508307441,00436508307441,+436508307441)”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:1] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,sub_pb-search variable: MDC_DIALCALLEENAME calleridnum: 06508 307441 national: 06508307441 international: 00436508307441 +internat: +436508307441”) in new stack
sub_pb-search variable: MDC_DIALCALLEENAME calleridnum: 06508307441 national: 06508307441 international: 00436508307441 +internat: +436508 307441
[Feb 18 10:59:01] NOTICE[4813]: res_odbc.c:1527 odbc_obj_connect: Connecting md
[Feb 18 10:59:02] NOTICE[4813]: res_odbc.c:1559 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Connected to md [md]
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:2] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “HASH(PB_ENTRY)=Kienmayer,Christoph,Kienmayer,PIDSOGmbH”) in new sta ck
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:3] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:4] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,Christoph”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:5] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:6] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,PIDSOGmbH”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:7] Set(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “MDC_DIALCALLEENAME=Kienmayer”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub_pb-search:8] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:6] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,SIP Trunk TELE2 - Standardtelefonie”) in new stack
SIP Trunk TELE2 - Standardtelefonie
– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:7] Dial(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-5/06508307441,t”) in new stac k
[Feb 18 10:59:02] WARNING[4813]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type ‘SIP’ (cause 20 - Unknown)
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:8] Return(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [06508307441@mdc_outgoing-4:2] Hangup(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “20”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (mdc_outgoing-4, 06508307441, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004’
– Executing [h@mdc_outgoing-4:1] Macro(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “hangup,CHANUNAVAIL,”) in new stack
– Executing [s@macro-hangup:1] NoOp(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, ">>>macro-hangup:: EXTEN: DIALSTATUS: CHANUNAVAIL QUEUESTATUS: ") i n new stack
mobyDickPidsoCLI> dialplan show 06508307441@mdc_outgoing
Context ‘mdc_outgoing’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-4,${EXTEN:0},1) [pbx_config]

-= 1 extension (3 priorities) in 1 context. =-
mobyDickPidsoCLI> dialplan show 06508307441@mdc_outgoing
Context ‘mdc_outgoing’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
%#a-zA-Z0-9].’ => 1. Set(MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK=) [pbx_config]
2. Verbose(1,remove inprefix: ${MDC_INPREFIX_TRUNK}) [pbx_config]
3. GoTo(mdc_outgoing-4,${EXTEN:0},1) [pbx_config]

-= 1 extension (3 priorities) in 1 context. =-


also der Dialplan läuft bis zum Amt durch,

– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:6] Verbose(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “1,SIP Trunk TELE2 - Standardtelefonie”) in new stack
SIP Trunk TELE2 - Standardtelefonie

nur klappt die Wahl über das Amt nicht

– Executing [06508307441@sub_trunk-outgoing-4:7] Dial(“SIP/Christoph_Tel-00000004”, “SIP/mdc_trunk_conf-5/06508307441,t”) in new stack

Bekommst sozusagen keine freie Leitung

[Feb 18 10:59:02] WARNING[4813]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type ‘SIP’ (cause 20 - Unknown)
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)

Der Fehler wäre hier jetzt beim Amt zu suchen.


Hallo Markus,

was bedeutet das genau? Wo soll ich suchen? Bei unserem Provider kommt nichts an.


Hallo Christoph,

ich würde mal den SIP Verkehr anschauen, ob was zum Provider rausgeht bzw. ob eine Antwort zurückkommt, kannst du per Shell und SIPGREP tun.
Abhängigkeit von der Konfiguration des Amtes, kannst du auch zuerst mal die Registrierung des peers überprüfen, via CLI “sip show peers”, “sip show registry”.


Lösung gefunden: bei Optionen hat der Host gefehlt!


Hallo Christoph,

prima, wenn es nun klappt!
In der 7.09 wird das HOST Feld auch beim Account selbst zu finden sein.
